Chapter:Chapter 4
Part No.:Part 1
Part Heading:CONDUCT
GO No.:172

Unauthorised use or supply of classified documents
172. - (1) No officer shall, without the authorisation of the Head of Department, provide copies of any document with or without charge, to any member of the public, or any person not authorised to receive the same, which is-

(a) marked "CONFIDENTIAL" or "SECRET";

(b) kept in a file marked "CONFIDENTIAL" or "SECRET"; or

(c) a record of any meeting of the department or called by any department, relating, to the public functions or administration of the Government or any department or any public body; and

(d) any minute, memorandum, correspondence or directive issued by or on behalf of any Minister for action to be taken by any public officer.

(2) Where a request is made for documents categorised under paragraph (1) (d), no authorisation shall be given for their release or supply without the prior written approval of the Minister concerned.

(3) Where an officer, in contravention of the Official Secrets Act 1972, is in possession of or has communicated directly or indirectly to an unauthorised person any official secrets (as defined in the Act), his Head of Department shall-

(a) forthwith report such contravention to the State Secretary; and

(b) notify the Police authority immediately to enable a full investigation of the matter to be carried out.

(4) The investigation of the Police into any contravention of the Official Secrets Act 1972 shall not preclude the institution of disciplinary action against the officer in accordance with the Public Service Commission Rules, 1996.